Dormer Vents

Dormer vents built to protect.

Dormer roof vents allow heat to escape from the vent itself and are important to properly cool attic space. However, because dormer vents are raised, they are a common entry point for dangerous embers. By equipping dormer vents with Vulcan Vents, the home has better protection from floating embers that fly before a fire. 

Vulcan Vents carries durable, attractive,
fire-resistant dormer vents including:

  • Low Profile “Eyebrow” Vents
  • Can be used as an off ridge vent designed for sloped roofing or a flat roof as an air exhaust vent or intake vent
  • Half-Round Dormer Vents or “Round” Vents
  • Can be used in conjunction with horizontal vents for proper ventilation
  • Retrofit Kits for Existing Vents

All our vents have various NFVA (Net Free Ventilation) sizes indicating the amount of open ventilation to allow airflow, measured in square inches. 

fire Resistant Continuous Vents - Providing necessary attic ventilation but self-closing when it matters most
EverKem Fire Stop 814

Use EverKem Fire Caulking

  1. We recommend using EverKem 814+, intumescent fire caulking with all installation of Vulcan Vents.
    • Our round eave vents are the exception: EverKem 136, mortar based caulking should be used when mounting hardware isn’t an option and flanges are minimal.
  2. INSTALLATION: Prior to installing the vent, run a bead of EverKem behind the nailing flange to ensure an air tight seal where the vent meets the building material. This ensures that no gaps are present between the vent and your building material where flying embers might enter!

For ordering information, visit out our Store Locator for nearest retailers.

dormer vents alllow airflow while blocking vulnerable spaces

Fire safety starts with
the home’s venting.

Vulcan Vents dormer vents are made of corrosion-resistant G90 galvanized steel and feature an ember-catching mesh with an intumescent coating that expands and barricades when fire is near. 

Vulcan Vent

Fire Resistant Retrofits kit - Honeycomb matrix closing technology - built into galvanized steel frame

Honeycomb matrix closing technology with ember-catching screen mesh built into galvanized steel frame

Fire Resistant Retrofits kit - Baffle-free design for maximum airflow (NFVA) to keep your home dry

Net free vent area (96 sq. in) providing open soffit ventilation

Fire Resistant Retrofits kit - Designed to meet the new California Building code State Fire Marshal

Designed to meet the new California Building code State Fire Marshal (OSFM) 12 Chapter 7A of the California Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) fire code program

Fire Resistant Retrofits kit - Passed the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E2886

Passed the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E2886 to effectively block ember entry

It’s time for your home to protect itself.

 * For coastal environments, copper, stainless or powder coated finishes are highly recommended. *

Flange Styles

Standard Finishes

G90 Galvanized, Stainless, Copper, Bonderized

Mfg. Part # Description NFVA(square inches) Flange Style Cut Out(inches) Spec. Sheet(download) Sample Image
VDHR1224 12" x 24" HALF ROUND dormer VENT 90 Standard N/A download icon view icon
VDHR1224R 12" x 24" RETROFIT HALF ROUND dormer VENT W/ SOFT ZINC HOOD 90 Retrofit N/A download icon view icon
VDHR918 9" x 18" HALF ROUND dormer VENT 51 Standard N/A download icon view icon
VDHR918R 9" x 18" RETROFIT HALF ROUND dormer VENT W/ SOFT ZINC HOOD 51 Retrofit N/A download icon view icon
VDLR419 4" x 19" LOW PROFILE VENT "EYEBROW" 52 Standard N/A download icon view icon
VSB1212 12" x 12" WITH 3" FLANGES ON ALL 4 SIDES 105 Sub Base 13 X 13 download icon view icon
VSB7519 7.5" x 19" WITH 3" FLANGES ON ALL 4 SIDES 108 Sub Base 8 X 20 download icon view icon
VSB8585 8.5" x 8.5" WITH 3" FLANGES ON ALL 4 SIDES 54 Sub Base 10 X 10 download icon view icon

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